
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Dr. Kamran Mirza (@KMirza) goes Beyond The Scope with Dr. Melissa Upton (@MelissaUpton7), Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, Seattle. From mentorship, wellness, diversity & inclusion to cultural courage - this episode has it all. Learn the amazing story of how Dr. Upton's life experiences shaped the type of mentor and leader she is today. This one is not to be missed!
Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
PathPod Quiz Show: Forensics to South American Pathology!
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Test your pathology knowledge with our next Quiz Show! Join hosts Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) and Dr. Christina Arnold (@CArnold_GI) with co-host Dr. Michael Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath). Our guests, Dr. Daniel Fajardo, Director of Genitourinary Pathology at Southeast Pathology Associates Labs, and UCSF pathology residents and co-hosts of the Dead Men Do Tell Tales Podcast (@deadmendo), Dr. Jordan Taylor (@jet916) and Dr. Nicole Croom (@nicnac363), play our games and attempt to win an exclusive PathPod clear ruler!
Featured public domain music by The U.S. Army Blues

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Beyond the Scope: Dr. Nicola Parry on Veterinary Pathology and Pets
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology. How is veterinary pathology different from human pathology? What is special about fish kidneys? What's happening with COVID in animals? On this episode of Beyond the Scope, Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Nicola Parry (@TuftsVetPath), a veterinary pathologist, and Clinical Associate Professor and the head of Pathology at the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.
Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
IHC Talk: DDIT3 and Mutation Specific IHC
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
The chromogen siblings talk with Dr. Greg Charville (@Greg_Charville) of Stanford University about his recent publication on DDIT3 as a diagnostic tool for myxoid liposarcoma in The American Journal of Surgical Pathology. Featured public domain music: Alpha Hydrae, Won't see it comin'.

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
PathPod Quiz Show: Pandemic Hobbies to Chemistry!
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Test your pathology knowledge with our next Quiz Show! Join hosts Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) and Dr. Christina Arnold (@CArnold_GI) with co-host Dr. Michael Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath) as guests Dr. Raul Gonzalez (@RaulSGonzalezMD), Dr. Swikrity U Bastoka (@SwikrityUMD), and medical student Amber Berumen (@AmberMBerumen) play our games and attempt to win an exclusive PathPod clear ruler!
Featured public domain music by The U.S. Army Blues

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
PathPod Presents: MegaPOD!
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Presenting MegaPOD! This is a special collaborative episode with other medical and pathology podcasters talking about the podcasting process and sharing ideas. Featuring the hosts of Deeper Levels (@DeeperLevels), Scope MD (@ScopeMDpodcast), Dead Men Do Tell Tales (@deadmendo), Computationally Yours (@compbiopodcast), People of Pathology (@peopleofpath), and PathPod!
Featured public domain music: Gameshow Brazz by John Bartmann

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
PathPod Stories: PathPod Celebrates Love
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
In this episode, PathPod celebrates love! In Act I, we will hear two stories about falling in love through the lives of two different sets of lovebirds. Listen as they interview each other and tell us their stories of love during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out which of the lovebirds describes themselves as H&E. In Act II, we will hear stories of thanks from PathPod listeners to their most special teachers. Listen to how their love of learning was sculpted and guided by the support of their favorite teachers. In Act III, we hear the stories of how PathPod listeners fell in love with medicine and pathology. Join us!
Featured public domain music: Loyalty Freak Music, Dirty shoes blues.

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests outside of pathology. How can pathologists "get out of the basement"? How can getting IN the basement be a good thing? What does being a Chair have to do with camels? How can YOU help shape the next edition of the Paris System? On this episode of Beyond the Scope, Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Eva_Wojcik (@Eva_Wojcik), Chair of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at Loyola University in Chicago, Past President, American Society of Cytopathology, and Founding Chair of the Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytopathology.
Don't forget to fill out the Paris Survey!
Cover art: Dr. Eva Wojcik. Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Beyond The Scope: Dr. Sarah Bean
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
In this episode of Beyond the Scope, Dr. Sanam Loghavi (@sanamloghavi) of MD Anderson Cancer Center speaks with Dr. Sarah Bean (@DrSMBean) a gynecologic, breast, and cytopathologist at Duke Health about pathology and her interests Beyond the Scope. How did she get interested in woodworking? What are the four phases of a mentoring relationship? What are her tips for work-life integration? What advice does she have for women in academics? Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
IHC Talk: Managing Laboratory IHC Testing
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
The chromogen siblings talk with Dr. Anja Roden (@AnjaRodenMD) of Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota, and Dr. Frank Ingram (@Chucktowndoc) of Presbyterian Pathology Group in Charlotte, North Carolina, about directing IHC laboratories and managing testing menus. Featured public domain music: Alpha Hydrae, Won't see it comin'.